2024 County Farm Nitrogen Rate Trial Results Field Day

2024 County Farm Nitrogen Rate Trial Results Field Day

Join UW-Madison Extension Agriculture Educator Josh Kamps and the Farmers on the Rock in Janesville, WI, on Friday, September 27th at the Rock County Highway Department parking lot to discuss this year’s nitrogen rate trial. Plan to join us for lunch beginning at 12:00 noon followed by a plot tour and discussion from 12:30-1:00pm. Please RSVP for a meal county to Josh Kamps by completing the following registration form, https://forms.gle/FHdE1UwhbsmUuLwk9.

Meeting Highlights Include:

  • Tour of the replicated corn grain plot with 6 nitrogen rates represented

  • Learn about nitrogen management with planted green cover crops

  • Take away valuable information to increase farm profitability and reduce the risk of nitrogen loss

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2024 Southern WI Crop Management Series - Seed Selection Management

2024 Southern WI Crop Management Series - Seed Selection Management

UW-Madison Division of Extension, Rock County On-Farm Research, and Local Ag Partner welcome you to an education program series on the Rock Co. Farm throughout the months of July, August, and September! Current crop conditions, timely agronomic decision-making support, and Extension research will all be discussed during this series. There is no cost to attend and a boxed meal will be provided at each event. Discussion and sharing among producers is encouraged!

Kindly RSVP to Josh ahead of time, but please don’t hesitate to stop by and join the discussion on the day of the event. Josh can be reached by cell at (608) 673-0680 or email at joshua.kamps@wisc.edu

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2024 Southern WI Crop Management Series - Cover Cropping Management

2024 Southern WI Crop Management Series - Cover Cropping Management

UW-Madison Division of Extension, Rock County On-Farm Research, and Local Ag Partner welcome you to an education program series on the Rock Co. Farm throughout the months of July, August, and September! Current crop conditions, timely agronomic decision-making support, and Extension research will all be discussed during this series. There is no cost to attend and a boxed meal will be provided at each event. Discussion and sharing among producers is encouraged!

Kindly RSVP to Josh ahead of time, but please don’t hesitate to stop by and join the discussion on the day of the event. Josh can be reached by cell at (608) 673-0680 or email at joshua.kamps@wisc.edu

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Soil Microbiology Workshop - Hosted by Farmers of the Sugar River

Soil Microbiology Workshop - Hosted by Farmers of the Sugar River

Farmers of the Sugar River is hosting a Soil Microbiology Workshop on Tuesday, August 13! Erik Harris, a Soil Food Web Technician, will be presenting. Farmers are encouraged to bring a baggie of their own soil samples (from 0-3" deep and within a plant's dripline- or very close to the pants and roots) or compost sample to be evaluated under a microscope for microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, and protozoa. The presence and balance of these microorganisms is one way that farmers can see and measure how the practices they do on their farm influence the "livestock" in the soil.

This event is free and open to farmers wanting to learn more. RSVPs are encouraged to prepare enough space for attendees by calling (608) 325-4195 ext. 121, texting (608) 426-2218, or emailing tonya.gratz@wi.nacdnet.net by Monday, August 12. Please see the attached flyer for location and further information.

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2024 Southern WI Crop Management Series - Soil Tillage Decision Management

2024 Southern WI Crop Management Series - Soil Tillage Decision Management

UW-Madison Division of Extension, Rock County On-Farm Research, and Local Ag Partner welcome you to an education program series on the Rock Co. Farm throughout the months of July, August, and September! Current crop conditions, timely agronomic decision-making support, and Extension research will all be discussed during this series. There is no cost to attend and a boxed meal will be provided at each event. Discussion and sharing among producers is encouraged!

Kindly RSVP to Josh ahead of time, but please don’t hesitate to stop by and join the discussion on the day of the event. Josh can be reached by cell at (608) 673-0680 or email at joshua.kamps@wisc.edu

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Free Workshop for Perennial Bioenergy Crops

Free Workshop for Perennial Bioenergy Crops

American Farmland Trust (AFT) and Argonne National Laboratory are hosting a free technical assistance workshop in your area on the adoption and management of perennial bioenergy crops. This project seeks to understand the environmental benefits and economic opportunities of using marginal lands to grow perennial bioenergy crops while also boosting farm resiliency.

We would like you to join us at this free workshop on Wednesday, August 7th from 9:30am to 12:00pm at the Waunakee Public Library Community Hall ins Waunakee, WI. An optional lunch will be provided after the workshop. Funding for mileage reimbursement is available upon request.

During this workshop, AFT will share information on the steps to adopt a perennial bioenergy crop, the environmental and economic benefits that can boost Midwest farm viability, and technical resources to take home.

Please register for the workshop. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing additional information about the workshop. 

Please reach out to Marlee Giacometti at mgiacometti@farmland.org with any questions or comments.

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2024 Southern WI Crop Management Series - Crop Disease Management

2024 Southern WI Crop Management Series - Crop Disease Management

UW-Madison Division of Extension, Rock County On-Farm Research, and Local Ag Partner welcome you to an education program series on the Rock Co. Farm throughout the months of July, August, and September! Current crop conditions, timely agronomic decision-making support, and Extension research will all be discussed during this series. There is no cost to attend and a boxed meal will be provided at each event. Discussion and sharing among producers is encouraged!

Kindly RSVP to Josh ahead of time, but please don’t hesitate to stop by and join the discussion on the day of the event. Josh can be reached by cell at (608) 673-0680 or email at joshua.kamps@wisc.edu

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2024 All member meeting

2024 All member meeting

Every year, members of Farmers on the Rock gather for an annual meeting. Our meeting this year will be held on Friday, March 22nd, from 10:45 am to 2:30pm. See the attached flyer for details and RSVP for this free event HERE

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