Meet the Team

  • Meet the Team

    We are farmers and concerned citizens that have come together to reduce the impacts of farming on our natural resources. We recognize that the elements necessary for life are circular and interwoven, that one change or effect may alter other aspects of life. We acknowledge that the choices we make impact not only ourselves and our family but, also impact our neighbors and future generations. We see that the conservation practices benefit not only the environment but, also us financially. Most of us come from a farming background and have had family farming the same land for generations. We would like to continue to hand down the farm, to the future generations, better off than we received it. We are you!

  • Willie Hughes, President

    Willie is a 6th generation family farmer. The family has been continuously farming in Rock County since 1844. They have incorporated multiple conservation practices including diversified rotations, extensive cover cropping, improving soil health through compost and biologicals, variable rate applications, and automated irrigation water management. Hughes Farms consists of 5000 acres of food grade, NON-GMO and organic specialty crops. We utilize some of today's most advanced and forward-thinking approaches, paired with time tested traditions, striving to bring farm agricultural stewardship into the next century.

  • Bill Barlass, Vice President

    Bill is a Fifth-generation dairy farm. He farms with my son (sixth generation). We have 1400 acres of row crops, vegetable, and forage production. We Utilize buffer strips, waterways, and started planting some cover crops. We have always been interested in conservation on the farm and have had water issues that were solved by conservation. Not only do we and the agriculture community benefit by conservation but, the entire nation. We are very concerned about our fresh water. We have 4 immediate families using local well water and would like to ensure that the water remains safe.

  • Pat Mullooly, Treasurer

    Pat farms with his wife, parents, brother, and brother-in-law on the family farm with a total of 2400 Acres. They Converted 20 years ago to all Strip Till Corn and No Till soybeans. They recently started working Small Grains back into the rotation on a few acres. They started incorporating cover crops into rotation in 2012. The farm currently has 20 cow calf pairs that they would like to expand and utilize rotational grazing which was implemented this year. He wants farmers to be more proactive before there is more government involvement. I want to show that as farmers, we have a huge impact on this land, and we must properly maintain it. We hope to learn how to incorporate more cover crops without any economic loss or breakeven and then eventually have the knowledge to actually cut inputs, mainly Nitrogen.

  • Kirk Leach, Secretary

    Kirk farms with his brother and son. The farm operation covers 1500 acres of cropland. We have 30 acres of woodland and about 10 acres of wetland pastures. We have over 5 acres of grassed waterways. The farm has 495 acres of irrigation. Under irrigation, we grow corn, soybeans, alfalfa, vegetables, and peppermint. Our dry land fields produce corn and soybeans. All of our soybeans are no-till planted. We have no-tilled planted some dry land corn acres on soybean stubble and hope to increase this amount. I believe that we do have a problem in Rock Co. with high nitrate levels in our ground water. We have been hearing this for too many years to not believe that the government will have to take measures. I also believe in the approach of farmer lead initiatives. I believe that this process will generate the best solutions. Secondly, I have an interest, as all people do in clean drinking water for the future. In participating in the Farmers on the Rock group, we hope to improve our conservation practices. We will try to improve our no-till practices and experiment with cover crops.

  • Brian Atkinson, Board Member

    Brian is a fourth generation farmer, farming with his father, uncles and cousin. Together they farm 3,000 acres growing corn, soybeans, vegetables and mint. They have incorporated diverse crop rotations, no-till, grassed waterways and cover cropping into their farm practices. Brian also has a background in soil science, conservation and remote sensing. I believe that the most impactful conservation efforts are those that begin with the individual farmer. What is good for the soil and water is also good for the people.

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